Biblio online


Giacomo Leopardi: Zibaldone – originale, Epistolario. A cura della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli


Digital Einstein Papers Home – The collected paper of Albert Einstein

Le opere, Galileo Galilei, pubbl. 1890, vol I (segue l’0pera completa fino al 1896)

Darwin online – Almost all is online only here: such as 1st editions of Voyage of the Beagle, Zoology, Descent of Man, all editions of Origin of Species (1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th & 6th); important manuscripts: Beagle Diary & field notebooks, Journal, transmutation notebooks and Autobiography.

Darwin Correspondence Project – the full texts of more than 9,000 of Charles Darwin’s letters. Complete transcripts of all known letters Darwin wrote and received up to the year 1873.

Guides to Russell’s Writings – The Bertrand Russell Archives, McMaster University (Canada)

Wallace online – Complete edition of the writings of Alfred Russel Wallace, including the first compilation of his specimens and the only way to search all of his publications with a search engine.

Wallace page – Version Two of “The Alfred Russel Wallace Page”, a website dedicated to Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913). 

Giordano Bruno – riproduzione delle edizioni originali: Candelaio, Laa cena delle ceneri, De l’infinito universo et mondi, Spaccio de la bestia trionfante, De gl’heroici furori. (Biblioteca nazionale di Napoli)


Les essentiels de la philosophie française – du XVIe siècle jusqu’aux derniers écrits versés dans la bibliothèque numérique.

LIBRI arte e “visual”

Getty Publications Virtual Library – More than 300 of our books to read and download for free. This wide variety of books covers the fields of art, photography, archaeology, architecture, conservation, and the humanities for both the general public and specialists. Publications include illustrated works on artists and art history, exhibition catalogues, works on cultural history, research on the conservation of materials and archaeological sites, scholarly monographs, critical editions of translated works, comprehensive studies of the Getty’s collections, and educational books on art to interest children of all ages.


Internet Archive – is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.

Collectio – the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum – pagina per ricerca libri, immagini, arte